Taking control of your life

Remember that when you feel that some parts of your life are out of your control because of your circumstances, it is important to go deeper, so that you can make changes. It is important for you to know that everything that you have created in your life, you can change – you are in…

True faith

I want you to know that our understanding of faith is all about a knowing that life is always, in one way or another, catering to your needs, your desires, that you are well catered for, looked after, that life is on your side, that everything will ultimately go in the right direction. True faith…

Feeling trapped and focusing on your part

I want to go a bit deeper now into this feeling of being trapped. I want you to understand that these kinds of energies are created over many lifetimes, because when you really do feel trapped in a certain situation or certain dynamic, it is always because there are major energies there, and a lot…

Neglect, self-reliance, and being short-changed

There are many people in the world at the moment who sometimes feel neglected, because of their own inner feelings of neglect from lifetimes ago, including this one. What I want you to know about neglect is that it is an energy that affects many people, and when people feel neglected, what they tend to…

The Latin language and the angelic realm

I believe Latin is a special language, but it is not of the angelic realm, or resonating to it – but it is a language that is very much about being in a certain energy, which is of being able to directly translate other languages, and what I mean by this is that it does…

Clearing tap water of toxins

There are many ways, but what I will say is one of the best ways is to use something that is able to filter out every single component that is there that is harmful. It is good to use a filter that is very advanced, and what I will say about this is that the…

Protecting your subtle body

What I see is that the subtle body is made up of many layers, and it is important to make sure that you are protecting your energy from negativity, so that you can stay in a lighter vibration. One way to protect yourself is by using affirmations – using affirmations that create a positive vibration…

Ideal diet for the present times

I believe a good diet for now it’s generally to be vegan for one reason – because a vegan diet offers you all that you need without you taking in heavier substances, which are full of chemicals, and which are hard to digest for many people. I also would like to share with you that…

Having desires and being spiritual

I believe it is good for you to know that it is very good to feel your desires, because in this way you are able to have a sense of what you want in life, and through this the Universe is able to answer your desires. But what I will say the problem is, is…

Language most aligned to the spirit

What I will say is one of the languages which is the closest to spirit is a very ancient language that still is here on Earth. It is a language that is spoken quite widely, and it is very much about being in the spirit – a language people use in prayer, ceremony, and they…

Yaśodharā, Gautama Buddha’s wife

What I will say is that it is very important for you to understand that she had a similar role to Buddha – that she was really able to be someone who was in a very enlightened state, and her role was in one way or another similar to his. I will say that she…

What does being fully enlightened mean?

What I will say in response to this, is that it depends on the person – some people appear very normal, and that is because what they are all about is transcending their own circumstances, accessing the spirit, and being able to live life on a higher level, without getting involved in unnecessary drama, but…

Being on a healing path

I want you to know that when you are on a healing path in life – a path that is consciously about healing – you will notice that you move forwards faster than others, because you are always going deeper, and clearing, and healing, restoring parts of yourself, and this enables more to happen in…

Where do fragmented parts of your soul go?

What I will say is that parts of your soul go to many places, so sometimes they can be left behind in a particular place – so for example, if you were murdered somewhere in another life, a part of you may still be there. Another place they can go is the upper realm, where…

Future for humanity on Earth

I see the future being very bright. There is a lot going on at the moment, but it will all be dismantled. Everything that is happening that is not in alignment will be dismantled and a new world is being born. You will find that there is a lot of light in the future on…

Steps to forgiveness

I will say that forgiveness is like the final part – it is not the first part. What I will say about forgiveness is that first you have to heal yourself – you have to put yourself back together, you have to make sure you are okay. What Mary wants you to know is that…

What creates reality?

I will say that it is a combination – so there are two things going on, and one is that you have an earthly self, a part of you that has your own desires, and wishes, and wants – your body, your being, your karma as well – everything that is personal to you. And…

Feeling one has to change themselves to get their needs met

What I would like to share with you is that there is a big difference between needing to actually change yourself and your behaviour, and only a need to go within in order to clear what is in the way of having your needs met. A lot of people mistake the two – they believe…

Changing your behaviour to accommodate others

I also want you to know that there is a lot to be said for changing your behaviour, according to who you are around, and the reason I want to talk about this is because I want you to understand that when you change your behaviour in order to accommodate other people and their energy,…

Understanding the twin flame journey deeper

This is a transcript of our YouTube video: I would like you to know that I do have many messages on this subject, but the most important message I have is that it is important for you to always focus on yourself and your own path of light – to know that underlying everything in…