What creates reality?
Ego • 8 August 2021
I will say that it is a combination – so there are two things going on, and one is that you have an earthly self, a part of you that has your own desires, and wishes, and wants – your body, your being, your karma as well – everything that is personal to you. And…
Having trust you’re being provided for
Practical living • 26 April 2021
I believe the answer to this is to remember that you do have free will, and when you are using this in order to go forwards in a way where you believe you have to do everything yourself, this is what happens – that you really do have to make things happen yourself, but when…
Free will vs God’s will
Free will • 19 April 2021
I will say that there is free will, but then what people can do is align their will with the will of the creator, so that they are automatically guided and feeling what is right for them on all levels. What I will say though is that there is such a thing as being out…