Global Healing And Evolution Network

Archangel Raphael’s Messages, Energy and Healing

Latest message from Archangel Raphael

21 February 2025 NEW

GHAEN is all about supporting people to fully be in the spirit, to clear what is necessary to be who they are on a spiritual level on Earth and to do their life purpose.

Jabeen Jafferji is a channel of the White Brotherhood who are enlightened beings, and the being she works with the most is Archangel Raphael. She conveys messages and gives healing that he then administers with his angels and companions.

We publish content regularly on our YouTube channel, our Instagram account, and TikTok.

New Earth Transmissions Group

Every Tuesday at 7.30pm GMT

The group is about receiving a higher energy from Raphael and this enables the people present to go deeper into parts of themselves that need energy work.

Clearing and Recalibration Group

Monthly on Fridays at 7pm GMT

These groups are an energetic reset. They are designed as an ongoing support group for people who are working on themselves to clear old energies and to keep embodying higher frequencies.

Groups Subscriptions

Subscribe to any combination of Archangel Raphael’s groups monthly and receive free groups on longer months.

New transmission

Being in the Here and Now

This audio is about assisting you to be in the here and now, so that through this you are able to transform yourself and your life.  This is for those of you who are perhaps struggling to be here, who have tendencies to go off to other places, who are generally ungrounded, and also prone to going into all kinds of realities, scenarios which are not really happening.

– Archangel Raphael

See also:

Weekly Live Stream with Archangel Raphael

22 February 2025, 11:00 am GMT

This is a group that is available for people who have concerns, issues, have things going on in them. It is an open, non-interactive space for whoever wishes to join. Whatever is on your mind will be addressed if you are present at that time, and a recording will also be available to replay afterwards.

A Guide to Self-Healing Depression

By Frank Albrecht

For the first time there is a systematic, natural, drug-free treatment approach to depression. The guide to self-healing depression has been created with the help of clairvoyants and spiritual masters. It will provide you with all the tools you need in order to heal this disorder gently, efficiently and naturally. The tools given are specifically selected music, literature and meditation & contemplation techniques, as well e-books about nutritional requirements and supplements and how to create a healing space.

  • There will be automatic awakenings in others as you live your purpose to the highest extent, because other people recognise that frequency in themselves and they start to awaken as well.

  • Don't go into a mode where you believe that some things you will never recover from, because what you are really attuning to is other lives where you have not recovered – but in this life everything is there to be fully resolved.

  • This is the way forwards for humanity – to clear trapped energy, to clear trauma, and then truth will automatically be the default vibration, energy, and the ultimate outcome for everybody.

  • When you are really absorbed in your own inner work, believe it or not, that is when the magic happens around you.

  • Every time someone transmutes, transforms a major life issue, it affects everyone else who has the same issue. It brings light to Earth, it brings more clarity automatically to others.

  • This is a time where people are acknowledging themselves as beings who are eternal, who are beyond this time on Earth, who have been here many times before.

  • Where you are resonating with truth and justice, you are going to find that this is always achieved on Earth.

  • This is a time where people will end up having more free time than ever before, where they will find that the things that they want in their lives come to them in a different kind of way – not through hard work, but through alignment and then being, in one way or another, prepared energetically for those things, and then just doing the right things at the right time. And then everything else that you do in life will ultimately be for your own enjoyment, so there will be more time to pursue things that you love, explore new things.

  • Ultimately life is meant to be easy – it is meant to go very smoothly, there is meant to be a natural alchemy that occurs through life of negative energy.

Clearing feelings of insecurity

It is also good for you to know that when you are really going deep inside and feeling a bit insecure, it will always indicate that there is something to be resolved, and insecurity is an energy that you can work with by actually being with it, going deeper and really getting to the root of it, which can often be actually coming in from places where you have not really been receiving much. So you may feel, for example,…

New leaders

Upcoming events

You can follow this calendar on Google.

Shamanic clearing protocol by Jabeen

Daily shamanic clearing and protection protocol for 7 days. It will include the ascension of spirits in your dreaming field (dreaming field is made up of all those you are connected to and who you will connect with in the day ahead), dissolving shadow energies and intrusions, closing openings in the dreaming field and infusing with positive energies, dissolving spells and curses, and putting strong protection into each person’s dreaming field.

Energetic healing sessions and groups

If you need in-depth energetic clearing, Ivan, who’s been working with Jabeen on GHAEN for the past 4 years, is offering remote sessions to uncover deep unconscious patterns that are holding you back from being more aligned to your higher self and moving forwards. If you’d like to enquire about a session click here: