Colliding with people that are not right

I would like you to be aware that not everyone on the Earth plane is really about light and love. Some people really are, but not everyone – and even people you may meet along the way who are very much about esoteric subjects, may not necessarily be about light and love. It may be…

Seeing yourself as a product of your own making

I would like you to know that nobody has ever made you, in any way, people that you currently are – you are always looking at yourselves as people who are self-made, and this is actually the most empowered way to be. The reason I’m saying this is when you see yourself as a product…

Steps to forgiveness

I will say that forgiveness is like the final part – it is not the first part. What I will say about forgiveness is that first you have to heal yourself – you have to put yourself back together, you have to make sure you are okay. What Mary wants you to know is that…

Feeling one has to change themselves to get their needs met

What I would like to share with you is that there is a big difference between needing to actually change yourself and your behaviour, and only a need to go within in order to clear what is in the way of having your needs met. A lot of people mistake the two – they believe…

Qualities of different races

I will say that there is a higher spiritual reason, and that is all about bloodline. I want you to know that certain races have certain qualities to them – different races have different attributes, so when you are born a certain race it is that you will have stronger qualities in certain directions. So…

Having a sense of humour

There is a lot to be said for having a good sense of humour. I will go as far as to say that people who can laugh about themselves and their life experiences are the people who make the most progress most quickly, but what I will also say about humour is that it can…

On feeling victimised

Some of you have felt quite victimised by life, by people, by circumstances – some of you feel like a victim inside – you don’t feel very empowered when it comes to all aspects of your life. You feel something is missing in you to be able to tackle life head-on, to cope with scenarios…

On not feeling good enough

I want to cover another issue, which is a strong feeling inside that whatever you do in life is not quite good enough, and this comes from feelings you have inherited partly from your lineage, and partly from lifetimes where you have had a lot on your plate, and not enough energy to deal with…