Getting over the fear of afterlife

What I will say is that it is important to recognise that the afterlife is really as big as life on Earth. Life on Earth is massive, there are so many different types of lives people are living, so many different types of people, different energies – life is a big melting pot of many…

What determines the realm people go to after death?

I would like you to know that the answer to this is really quite complicated – it is not only the energetic level, because sometimes people’s energy is much lower than their true self. So what I will say is that it is a combination of their spirit, their level of consciousness, and also what…

Experiencing afterlife

Afterlife is something you are not quite able to fully grasp whilst you are in physical incarnation. I will go as far as to say that whatever we say, you will not really get a sense of what it is truly like, until you arrive there. It is like this – that when you are…

What happens to the information from your DNA when you die?

I would would like you to know that what I see is that when you die everything you have experienced in this lifetime goes with you, and the information in your DNA is also going to be kept with you. What happens to this information is that it is made into energy – it is…