I would like you to know that the answer to this is really quite complicated – it is not only the energetic level, because sometimes people’s energy is much lower than their true self. So what I will say is that it is a combination of their spirit, their level of consciousness, and also what they are in one way or another working with in terms of their challenges, because people who have a lot of challenges they have not overcome are going to be on a lower level, where they have to work through the challenges before they can go higher. So someone who leaves the Earth, but they have a lot of unfinished business, will be quite close to the Earth for a while – longer in order to sort out their affairs – to make things happen – and even when they ascend to higher planes what will happen is they will go back to Earth, they will connect to Earth quite deeply in order to resolve their affairs.

What I will say is that beings who have a very high consciousness but who die in a very traumatic way, where perhaps their energy is very low, will go into a special realm, where they will be given a lot of healing by many beings of light, before they are restored to their true state. So what I will say is that generally everyone ends up in the right place according to who they are in spirit, what their consciousness is all about, but for some people they have a delay because they have to be healed first. For other people they have a lot of unfinished business to attend to before they can return to the place they really come from. What I will say is that energy and consciousness are not always one with each other – sometimes they are, but not always – and when they are not there will be a journey, but eventually people will end up in the right place, according to who they are in their spirit, what their consciousness is all about.

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