This is a time of a deep reset
This is a special time in humanity’s history – it really is, it is not ordinary at all, and it really is a time where people are resetting themselves, and the more you have a need for this, the more time it will take you, and some of you here really have needed a big reset for a long time in your life. A lot of you, actually, have needed this. A lot of you here may have faced lifetime after lifetime of injustice, perhaps, or persecution, of feeling left out of life, or feeling ignored, dismissed, or perhaps feeling just fed up of certain things that keep happening – and this is an opportunity to really go deep and fully reset yourself. And those of you who embrace this will be given all that you need, all the support, help, to really be fully reset in yourselves, actually permanently – so this will be now your new way of being, your new program, so to speak. And I want all of you to really use all the opportunities you are given by life to do this. Be open to life, be open to different tools, techniques. Don’t be fixated on one thing, because actually, there is something to be gained from many different tools, and practices, and people. Be open and life will actually bring you exactly what you need, the right formula for full wellness to be there for you. And I want you to remember that when you are really absorbed in your own inner work, believe it or not, that is when the magic happens around you. When you are really absorbed in doing inner work, you will notice that life will come in and bring you what you need. It will be at a time when perhaps you are not even thinking about the manifestations you would like, but just really immersed in yourself in a good way. And when you are in this state, that is when life will come to you and really respond to your energy. Because as you go inwards and focus on you, life focuses on you as well, and you are brought what you need.