What I would like to [talk about] is actually going much deeper into the energy of really being with yourselves and letting life come to you. And what I would like to go into here is a much deeper aspect of this. So it is more than simply being with yourselves, clearing your energy, allowing things to come to you through vibration, frequency, rather than through force of will. There is a deeper aspect which is actually connecting to your soul matrix on a much deeper level. So it is actually about working on a level where you are actually going beyond space and time, beyond your current reality, in order to then create your life here on Earth.
And why I am speaking about this is because at the moment, there is a lot going on, on the Earth, connecting in to the soul, and it is much more a time where people are acknowledging themselves as beings who are eternal, who are beyond this time on Earth, who have been here many times before. And when you connect in to this energy, it actually brings you creations which are of a much higher energy, which are aligning to a much deeper aspect, which actually means that certain things can be bypassed, certain processes.
So I will give an example here: so if you are coming from a place where you are working on yourself in a way which is more grounded in this current reality, you may, for example, wish to be with the right person. And to do this, you may work on yourself, clear away issues, work on things which may prevent you from being able to be in that frequency of love, and that frequency of being able to receive and give love and create something with the right person. And when you are in this type of energy, you will be able to ultimately be with the right person, that your frequency will attract it at the right time, when you are ready, and when you go a bit deeper into this and connect to deeper aspects within, of your soul, you may start to feel inside something else. It is more like what you start to attune to are connections, which are beyond time and space, which are eternal. And then from this place, you may go deeper and deeper into your soul, into who you are. And this will actually draw to you someone who is a very precise match for you on a soul level, on a very deep level. So in this way, you may end up bypassing some processes such as being with someone who is right for you in this moment, and then that changing as you change and evolve. As you go deeper into your soul, you are actually getting to that place within yourself that is really beyond time. And so in this way, where you are in this space within which is eternal, you start to actually connect with others in this frequency, so you are more likely to end up in a long-lasting relationship with someone who you have that type of connection with, that can actually meet you in this life, but also on much, much deeper levels, so when your circumstances change, that connection still remains and remains very solid. So it is good for you to know that as you go deeper, what you start to actually attract are the right things, but the things which are really going to be with you for life, which are really right for you on a deeper level. And when you go into this energy, you start to actually be able to do a lot less and achieve a lot more. And from this place, you start to also feel inside a sense of deep peace as you recognise that this aspect of your being is something that has always been there and always will be there, that it has got a quality to it that is very much beyond the time you are living now, and as you go deeper into this, there is a lot of energy that comes through.
The reason I am speaking about this subject is because this is a time of creating new things for all of you. It is a time, actually, where potentially you can be attracting things that will be there for life. So it is a time where actually you can be grounding yourself on Earth in a way which is much more permanent, in that what you may start now will keep going, and you can keep growing and building on it. And it is really good for you to know also that as you go into this frequency, it is actually really quite easy to do things, that the right things happen for you. And it is also because the energy here is not dependent on your current life circumstances alone. It is actually going deeper than that, and it is a really good place to be centred.