Being free of your lineage
£8.00 -
Going deep into your soul
£8.00 -
Going into new places within
£8.00 -
Letting go of attachments
£8.00 -
Things preventing you from moving forwards
£8.00 -
Being in the world, being seen and heard
£8.00 -
Areas you’ve given up on
£8.00 -
Ancient energies
£8.00 -
Special group: Understanding dark energies and how to remove them
£0.00 -
Energies sabotaging your progress
£8.00 -
Completing karmic cycles
£8.00 -
Getting to new levels of ease
£8.00 -
Making changes, abundance
£8.00 -
Survival issues
£8.00 -
Themes and patterns from childhood
£8.00 -
Core wounding around being in your power